Love Grand
Dana Taylor
ISBN: 1-59080-299-3
Usually my reviews are a bit longer but
in this case there are only a few words I can describe how I felt while reading “Ain’t Love Grand”:
Sexually teasing in the sense my emotions
were constantly being tugged by Dana’s ability to bring her two characters, Jason and Persephone, close to ‘that’
moment then separate them for one reason or the other…
Realistic moments when I was able to
relate to some humorous comment or action by one of the characters. This alone brought the characters alive for me…
Dana Taylor’s move to place a down-to-earth,
modest, ‘from the 60’s mentality’ herb grower and pit her against her next door neighbour, who just happens
to be a high class lawyer with the fancy car and money to prove it, enabled me to relate to the female character and her morals
and way of thinking, seeing how I am from the 60’s…
The added baggage to the male ‘star’
of the show, his mother and daughter, brings a different side of him at times to the reader; on the one side you see his tough
macho lawyer mentality and stance, then we are able to see the true man where his family is concerned…
Now add the spark of some tension when
an ex appears on the scene…
And you’ve got one GREAT romantic
READ. I was actually sorry to come to the end so quickly.
Dana Taylor weaves a true connecting
bond with her reader in Ain’t Love Grand. It’s one of those novels you need to find out what’s going to
happen. Plus Dana chose a Greek name, Persephone, which personifies an innocent maiden, perfect for her character.