Genre: Nonfiction
Title: Cholesterol Down
Author: Janet Bond Brill
Publisher: Three Rivers Press
ISBN: 978-0-307-33911-9
Pages: 316
Price: $13.95
is a health problem often regulated with prescription drugs that can have potentially unpleasant side-effects. Janet Bond Brill provides an alternative with a drug-free plan to lower your
LDL cholesterol to acceptable levels in just “ten simple steps.” Cholesterol Down offers an excellent substitute to taking
medication while promoting a sensible, healthy lifestyle.
developed an easy-to-follow strategy for changing your diet and
fitness in just four weeks. And not only does she provide a game plan for achieving positive results, she explains the
reasoning for her methods along the
by the death of her father from a heart attack, and her own
cholesterol problem, Brill felt compelled to take action. Using her expertise in nutrition and exercise, she set out to create
a way to
better health. Fortunately, Brill’s success prompted her to share her good fortune with us.
very readable book will help you lower your LDL cholesterol, attain a healthier existence, and receive a bit of useful knowledge in the process.
Reviewer: Gene Berger, MUSE Reviews