The Dark Comedy
Written by: Giacomo LaMantia
Reviewed by: Christine
I. Speakman
Published: 2006 via
ISBN: 1-4196-4848-9
Pages: 105
Price: $12.99
Genre: Thriller
Mr. LaMantia’s story is based
around a fictional secret group somehow based in the financial world. They act
behind the scenes to somehow help mankind. Now, someone is killing their agents
without leaving a trace.
This idea, while interesting, is
lost among shifting scenarios. Is the hero in a hospital recounting past events;
or still locked away in some torture cell by someone called Master; or running around finding the killer without any clear
indication of what is happening. Or, still, is he dreaming it all. I still don’t know who killed whom.
Between changing point of views,
jarring jumps in storyline, and one too many technical errors I was thrown out of the story.
I wanted to like “The Dark
Comedy”; however, it just didn’t work.
Christine Speakman - Muse Book