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Shift reviewed by Cheryl Malandrinos

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SHIFT: Change Your Words, Change Your World

by Janet Smith Warfield

ISBN 978-0-9778324-6-0

180 pages

Published by Word Sculptures Publishing, L.P., 3225 South McLeod Drive, Ste 100, Las Vegas, NV  89121

Publisher's website -

U.S. $19.95


Atypical ideas, a new way of thinking, and the possibility of getting along better with othersthat’s what you’ll find in Janet Smith Warfield’s SHIFT Change Your Words, Change Your World. 


This well thought out and intriguing book shares Warfield’s view on how we can use words to “sharpen our focus, expand our thinking, and transform our planet.”  A combination of what Warfield believes holds the key to changing our world, her poetry, thought-provoking quotations, optical illusions, and examples, SHIFT allows the reader to be in control and decide his own destiny. 


SHIFT uses the Buddhist philosophy that the mind gives meaning to the words we hear based upon our past experiences and personal conditioning.  And it states, if we chose how to shape the sensory data our minds receive then we can have warm, mutually supportive, and peaceful relationships.


Optical illusions, ink blots, and cloud patterns help to open the reader’s mind to the possibility of seeing things in a different light.  Poetrythe likes of which I have never before readcause the reader to wonder if life truly is the way the prose describes it.  And chapters about dysfunctional and functional words and energies display how divisive words and ideas can be, which is what can lead to less than ideal relationships.


SHIFT also shows the reader how to use the ideas from the book in day to day living.  Warfield provides helpful rules, ideas to nurture a creative spirit, and affirmations, along with promoting positive thinking to encourage the reader to use words to bring about peace, not turmoil and stress.  And the last three chapters are a call to action for the reader to make the necessary changes to bring about the peace he wants in his own life and in the world. 


The one disappointment for me was that some of the chapters were too short for me to fully appreciate or comprehend the concepts.  Chapters about predestination and free will, despair and joy, and skepticism and faith, are some of the areas which I wish were further explored to provide the reader with a better understanding of how they worked into the complete picture to bring about the desired change.


SHIFT was an engaging book which provided a wealth of insightful and practical ideas to change your words, so you can help change the world.  A good read for those interested in making difference.


Cheryl Malandrinos - Muse Book Reviewer


                                   *GOODRose, Large

Rose, Large 

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