Genre: Romance
Title: Trust in the Wind
Author: Vicki M. Taylor
Publisher: Mundania Press
ISBN: 1-59426-204-7
Pages: 154
Joanne Malone, a twenty-one year-old
single mother is attempting to raise her son, Joey, in a less than ideal environment.
Struggling to take care of their needs, she doesn’t need the complication of a man in her life.
Sheriff Roy Bonham, a cop who had lost
his wife and son in a burglary several years earlier, doesn’t want to let himself ever get emotionally involved with
anyone again. Yet he finds himself irresistibly intrigued by the young girl so
fiercely protective of her four year-old son.
In the midst of a dangerous neighborhood,
the two discover themselves drawn together, attempting to finally find happiness once again.
While the author encourages the reader
to care deeply about both Joanne and Roy, it was a bit of a stretch to understand what really brought them together. They traveled in completely different worlds and had very little in common, other
than the hurts they had suffered and their inability to trust another person.
In fact, the author spends a considerable
part of the book having other people try to convince the couple it could never work out.
While their differences were certainly an important hurdle the two would need to overcome, I felt at times that the
conversations became somewhat repetitive.
A question I had while reading occurred
during a scene with an obvious police bungling. The way the situation was handled
left me feeling it might have been unrealistic and not the way it would have been dealt with in real life.
Berger - Muse Book Reviewer