Genre: Biography
Title: A Song
For the World
Author: Frank
Publisher: Many
Roads Publishing
ISBN: 978-0-978948-0-4
Pages: 208
Price: $24.95
Paul, Steve and Ralph Colwell,
and Herb Allen had a dream. They believed they could change the world through
their music. Even though Ralph hadn’t yet graduated from high school when
their journey began, the brothers took off on a world tour that would bring them to places they could have never dreamed of
visiting over the course of the next several years.
Some of their more memorable
visits included spending a year in the Congo during the time the country became independent. They also visited Russia at the end of the
Cold War, China after the Cultural Revolution ended, and many other unique stops along the way. In each place they visited, they met with world leaders and sang their message of peace as part of the
movement called Moral Re-Armament.
Frank McGee takes the reader
on the journey along with the Colwells and Herb Allen, sharing pictures and memorabilia as well as first-hand accounts of
their experiences. The reader shares in their joy and excitement at the positive
receptions they received wherever they went. One can’t help but feel a
sense of awe at the way these men dedicated their lives to sharing their message of hope at a time when the world very much
needed it.
Muse Review Mark: Great Read
Reviewer: Alice Berger, Muse