A Killer’s Agenda
Reviewed by Christine I Speakman
Written by Anita Whiting
Publisher: Samhain Publishing, Ltd. www.samhainpublishing.com
Genre: Romantic Suspense
ISBN: 1-59998-463-6
Pages: 322
Price: $5.50
3 out of 4 roses
I like private investigator stories. I really
like female private investigator stories. I love it when the investigator has
a little bit extra…Alex Leahy is clairvoyant, sassy, very close to her family and all this drives client Brad Norton
Another late night read, and worth it!
How do you link random drive by shootings to a serial killer?
Shootings in different towns over long time periods with no witnesses. All
anyone seems to remember is a possible green car at each location. Seems impossible,
doesn’t it, maybe a tad improbable? I would have agreed if I hadn’t
read “A Killer’s Agenda” and had the whole story unravel into perfect sense and logic.
The open physical connection between Alex and Brad is a relief. No game playing, no back and forth, just straightforward attraction.
Well, not quite straightforward since Brad is the one off balance due to Alex’s sharp mind and his own shock
– he’s fallen in love.
Both the romance and mystery in “A Killer’s Agenda” are plausible and laid
out clearly without pulling any unwanted surprises. However, that isn’t
to say that “A Killer’s Agenda” won’t keep you guessing or on edge.
I followed the clues but still wasn’t sure I had unraveled everything.
I won’t say if I did or didn’t, you’ll have to read this mystery and see if you can figure it out.
But, be forewarned, start this only if you don’t have to wake early the next morning,
cause you won’t be able to stop once you get reading.
Christine Speakman – Muse Book Reviewer